Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Dress Pattern No. 9868 Painting

This painting, "Dress Pattern No. 9868," oil on scrap metal, is the second in a series of dress pattern paintings I have been working on. This painting is heading to Gallery KH in Chicago for a show that opens with a reception on July 17th 2009.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

"Michael Fitts - Paintings" on Facebook

I now have a fan page on Facebook. Search "Michael Fitts - Paintings" to become a "Fan"


Dress Pattern Painting

Last night I finished this painting, "Dress Pattern No. 9488." Oil on scrap tin. The idea for this comes from when I was a kid in the early 1970's watching with fascination as my mother would sit at her sewing machine, painstakingly making her own clothes at home. A few weeks back while snooping around on ebay for some painting ideas, I stumbled upon some of these dress patterns for sale. The memory of my mother making dresses came flooding back.
This painting will be heading to a show in Chicago at Gallery KH this coming July.